We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website!

We are excited to announce the launch of our new branded website! After a couple of months of hard work and dedication, we are delighted to officially announce the launch.

After the three years, We changed our branding includes a new logo, selected minimal colours (yellow & black) and multipage website our old website was a one-page website so we changed to multi-page so we can highlight more about us.

Check both the old and new Z Index logo.

Zindex New Brand

Our First Website (V1)

We don’t want to delete our old website because we emotionally attached to our first website so the team decided let’s keep website live. So you can check our old website at here.

We included home, agency, career, strategy, work, blog and contact page on the new website. Below is detailed information about new website.

New Website

Home Page
The homepage is very important in the website because of most of the visitor only visite homepage and if they feel important then they check other pages of the website, so we added small summary about the full website. We included our tagline Simplifying Your Work at the top after that there a section of our past work. We listed all our past works,  also we will add new works. After that, we added a small paragraph about Z index and our main service. On why our clients love us added logos of client and testimonial, what our customer think about the Z Index, If we did work together and you like to share your thoughts with us then you can share from contact us page. Last, there is start a project form so anyone can send us project requirements. Last, there is a contact detail like email, phone number, all social media account and office address.

Agency Page
Agency page is all thing about Z Index, Like about Z index, Tools we are using, detailed information about service and our work domain and Our heros (Team). You can visite agency page here.

Career Page
On career page, there is a list of open positions and why Z Index. Here candidate can apply for a job so our team review candidate profile and do further process. If you are looking for a job then visite career page and apply.

Strategy Page
On this page, we mention in details which structure we are following for projects. Check page here.

Work Page
This is the most important page of the website, here uploaded all the past work, Uploaded work with the main four categories web design, web development, software development and products. On work details page, added all details about work with screenshots, like work requirement, technical parameter, about our client, work screenshots and feedback from the client. Check the work page here and let’s know your comments.

Blog Page
Here, We are writing the best web design, development, Internet marketing, web maintenance blogs and news from the Z Index. Check blog page here.

Contact Page
From the contact page anyone like our current client, students those need any of our help and yntent who looking for an internship. Check contact page here , our mail box wating for your mail.

Hey, Thank you for scroll down and read our thoughts.


Z Index Heroes

Z Index Heroes, We are doing great things together.

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